Entries by marc

The coronavirus and economic crisis: Why energy suppliers should react now to the impending cost spiral

The coronavirus seems never-ending – experts agree that the consequences of the pandemic will fundamentally alter our society and our economy. One is the accelerating pace of digitization in the working world, with a shift towards home offices, videoconferencing, etc. Furthermore, according to a study by Roland Berger, the overall situation is creating cost pressures…

Why the “churn train” is picking up more and more speed with utilities – and what can be done about it

Switching rates of significantly more than 10 percent of the customer base are now standard in the European energy market. In many countries they are rising very fast. Established energy supply companies in particular are coming under increasing pressure because agile start-ups and providers from outside the industry are stirring up the market with digital…

Utilities: How can the “Cost-to-Serve” be reduced to 10 euros?

Digitization, climate change, blockchain, 5G and the like – the mega-topics of our time are bundled together in the energy sector and trigger massive pressure to act among the utility companies. The focus is primarily on “Cost-to-Serve” (CtS) because it has a massive impact on falling margins in mass business. Can a target value of…